From Dietetics to Video Production: a Story About an Intervention by God

Mindful Kimberly
4 min readJun 1, 2021
A photo of me using a film camera for the first time on my first paid shoot for Student Video Production. I was hired as a video production crew member for CSU’s Rocky Mountain Student Media on Tuesday, April 27, 2021.

How did I go from studying dietetics to video production? Well, God led me to make the switch. Although this story at face value is about why I switched undergraduate majors, the heart of it has to do with God intervening in my life of anguish and leading me to fullness through a relationship with Him.

I had been so sure I had finally discovered my life’s calling after being emitted to the emergency room in early November of 2018. However, what I thought was a catalyst to my realization of needing to become a dietician was a catalyst to something much greater: my realization of needing God.

My wake-up of realizing the importance of my physical health was more than just that; it was (more importantly) about me realizing the necessity of having spiritual health. At that time, I was depressed, lost, and malfunctioning as an individual by most societal standards. But I wouldn’t realize it until two years later; when God allowed the world to come to a standstill during the global pandemic of 2020. The timing of everything made it seem like He planned my intervention at that time all along (so He could get me alone to heal me.)

After going to the emergency room for intestinal pain, I thought my life calling was to help people live healthier lives by relaying the importance of nutrition. That belief led me to research accelerated programs for becoming a dietician, but I believe God meant for me to study video production at Colorado State University all along. My initial eureka moment after my ER visit wasn’t completely off. I believe God wants me to help people live healthier lives by relaying the importance of having a relationship with Him through Christ, and He wants me to do it through creating visual media. So, I was right about the “helping people” part, but God’s plans for me are greater than anything I ever imagined.

When I started to question whether being a dietician was right for me, I started to question many other things in my life. At that time, I had a “fiancé.” I put that in quotes because he never officially proposed to me, he just bought me a silicon ring off of Amazon and said we would most likely get married. This was before I had a healthy sense of self-worth. Once I moved to Colorado for school, I started to hear what I now know to be the Holy Spirit telling me, “He is not to be your husband” (referring to my now “ex-fiancé.”) I kept hearing that phrase play in my head for a few months until finally, I spoke back. I asked God that if it was Him I was hearing from, that He’d give me a, “No, if’s, and’s, or but’s, answer,” about my ex not being someone I should marry. My answer came loud and clear on the night of New Year’s Eve 2020. It turns out, I had been hearing from God, that man was not to be my husband, and I needed to listen to God more often. Through a tragic experience, came hope and clarity for me.

The living God is a redeemer. I ended my “engagement” three days into 2020 and left the life I thought I had moved to Colorado for. God provided me an out from the messy situation I had put myself in while providing for all of my needs. I was able to rent a furnished room with a kingsize bed, full bathroom, and double vanity, in a God-fearing home for $80 a week 10 minutes away from my college. I lived there for a few months while my ex prepared to move back to California. He moved back at the end of March, soon after the global pandemic was announced. I then moved back into that house to finish our year lease; it is the same house I currently reside in. Since moving back into this house, God has transformed me from the inside out.

Encountering God and experiencing His deep love and affection for me filled a void I had in my heart for 20 years. The sense of fullness and peace I had once realizing Him was enough for me to surrender my life to Him. I don’t remember exactly how it happened, but eventually, God led me to look into other degrees at CSU. Through my inquiring, I came across the Journalism and Media Communication degree; this particular one excited me. I had no idea I could study storytelling and video production as an undergraduate. I had no idea how much I could love the process of obtaining an undergraduate degree. And for two decades of my life, I had no idea how wonderful and real the biblical God is and how much He loves and knows me, but now I do.

Here is the first video I produced as a Journalism and Media Communication student at CSU. I loved the experience and look forward to living my life in relationship with God!

Thank you,

Mindful Kimberly



Mindful Kimberly

Kimberly captures and displays heartfelt stories via polished authenticity.